About Nissens Cooling Solutions


From a pioneer to a leading supplier - to the wind turbine industry and the industrial segments

Offering customized cooling components, systems and modules to the renewable energy and industrial segments, like train, mining and off-highway, form the basis of our business.



Our product and service offers carry the trade mark of experience, know-how and innovation. We started as a pioneer in the wind turbine industry as well as a number of industrial segments, and we have developed into becoming a leading supplier of customized cooling solutions for challenging applications worldwide.



Nissens Cooling Solutions: Sustainability as a strategic ambition

As a supplier to challenging customers and markets within the wind turbine industry as well as a large variety of industrial segment, Nissens Cooling Solutions is doing business with customers, who are market leading and highly professional players and role models within each of their business segments.

Their requirements for Nissens Cooling Solutions as a preferred supplier demand of us to demonstrate and document that our business ethics and standards are compatible with the values that our customers live by.

Out of respect of the communities that we form a part of and the partners that we interact with, including our customers, employees and suppliers around the world, Nissens Cooling Solutions continues to build and strengthen our footprint within corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

We use our heritage, culture and behavior as a foundation for our CSR commitments to the surrounding world. We are an active member of UN Global Compact, which is a testimony of our consent to comply with the ten UN Global Compact principles within Human Rights, Labor Rights, Environment and Anti-corruption.

COP reports

UN Global Compact – Communication on Progress


Read Nissens Cooling Solutions’ COP Report 2021

Click here

Our position on Human Rights Protection

Nissens Cooling Solutions focuses on the respect of the human rights protection of our employees.


Dignity & Respect

It is essential to us that fundamental values of dignity and respect of every individual characterize our socialization with one another. We condemn the use of any physical punishment, threats of violence, sexual or physical abuse, harassment or offensive behavior.

To enhance a strong working environment, we have formalized organizations, policies and activities carried out within the areas of occupational health and safety.

Occupational Health & Safety

To maintain our focus and to follow up on our occupational health and safety performance inside our global organizations, Nissens Cooling Solutions actively works with securing a good working environment, and we regularly follow up on our performance to ensure the wellbeing of our employees.

Global Data Protection & Privacy Rights

Nissens Cooling Solutions complies with the applicable laws on the protection of personal data and makes efforts to secure the data privacy of our customers, employees and other stakeholders. We have taken a number of measures to ensure our data protection and privacy compliance through IT-supported, automated work processes across various functional areas and organizations.


Our position on Labor Rights

Nissens Cooling Solutions supports the labor rights of our employees.


Freedom of association

Nissens Cooling Solutions respects the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining of our employees. Through working committee fora, there is a direct, valuable and ongoing dialogue between management and employee representatives to secure compliance with labor rights as well as shared value in mutual participation in growing and developing both the company and its employees.

Code of Conduct

With our Code of Conduct, Nissens Cooling Solutions demonstrates non-acceptance on the use of forced labor or child labor.

Nissens Cooling Solutions’ Code of Conduct is available to all employees and included in our different national employee handbooks. All managers on the top three tier levels in the management structure at Nissens Cooling Solutions offer their commitment to our Code of Conduct through a mandatory signature reflecting their compliance with applicable guidelines.

Nissens Cooling Solutions’ Code of Conduct also forms a part of the co-operation framework between our suppliers and Nissens Cooling Solutions.


Nissens Cooling Solutions aims to secure a versatile diversity across its organizations and thus commits to eliminating discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, in relation to religion, gender, political observation or sexual orientation.

We have a diversity policy in place with the aim of working on behalf of increasing the diversity in top management positions, including putting a priority into integrating representatives from different genders into recruitment processes for management and top management positions.


Our position on Environment

Nissens Cooling Solutions actively works to respect the environment and our company’s possible impact on surrounding world.


ISO 14001

As an evidence of Nissens Cooling Solutions’ commitment to respecting the environment, an ISO 14001 environmental certificate is held across our sites in Denmark, China and Slovakia. Yearly audits are carried out by an external, independent agency to verify compliance against the environmental management system. As an ISO 14001-certified company, we work with a number of KPIs and assess our performance on a monthly basis.

Carbon neutrality ambition

Nissens Cooling Solutions has defined a strategic objective to become carbon neutral within Scope 1 and 2:

2025: Carbon neutral in Europe
2030: Carbon neutral on a global scale

Training & Education: Environment & Energy

The blue-collar employees in Nissens Cooling Solutions are enrolled in our formalized Train the Train (T-t-T) Concept to ensure proper onboarding as well as training and education in general and functionally specific competences.

Through our formalized T-t-T training program, Nissens Cooling Solutions’ blue-collar employees are provided with guidelines on their expected behavior within environment and energy, and internal as well as external audits for follow-up are carried out regularly.

Sustainability & Product Solutions

Nissens Cooling Solutions assumes a responsibility for considering the environmental impact of the products that we are developing and supplying to the wind turbine industry and the large variety of the industrial segments, which we are serving today. We supply a number of products developed and designed specifically for electrical, hybrid and fuel cell applications that support the green transition in the industries that our customers operate in.


Our position on Anti-corruption

Nissens Cooling Solutions supports the respect of our anti-corruption activities.


Code of Conduct

With our Code of Conduct in place, Nissens Cooling Solutions explicitly outlines prohibition against corruption and bribery.

Policy on Gifts & Hospitality

Nissens Cooling Solutions has defined and communicated a policy on gifts and hospitality to provide clear guidance on expectations for compliance to each of our employees around the world.

Whistleblower Policy

Nissens Cooling Solutions has a global whistleblower policy opening up to access for every employee to get the possibility to report alleged or documented breaches of applicable laws and regulations as well as non-compliance with Nissens Cooling Solutions’ Code of Conduct and other internal guidelines.



  • i) Human Rights

    Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and

    Principle 2: Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses



  • ii) Labor Rights

    Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Principle 4: The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor

    Principle 5: The effective abolition of child labor

    Principle 6: The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

  • iii) Environment

    Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges

    Principle 8: Undertake initiatives to promote environmental responsibility

    Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies

  • iv) Anti-corruption

    Principle 10: Businesses shold work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery



Nissens Cooling Solutions: A certified Company

Nissens Cooling Solutions is certified according to the following standards within Quality, Environment and CSR:

  • IATF 16949
  • ISO 14001
  • UN Global Compact

Our certifications are an evidence of our commitment to complying with the applicable standards and of our top management focus and involvement in securing a strategic priority of our work and efforts within the defined areas.

Charity & Sponsorships

Nissens Cooling Solutions is actively investing in the well-being of our surrounding communities and sponsoring a large variety of activities within charity, sports and fundraising to create development and to secure prevention and cure of poverty and disease.


Nissens Cooling Solutions’ Annual Reports, CSR section

Nissens Cooling Solutions climate accounting reports